A Heart Like His

During our morning prayer time Connor offered up his very own prayer to God. “Thank you God for my mommy and daddy. I love them so much,”! Then my sweet boy climbed into my lap, wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled his face into me. “Mommy, I would be so sad if God gave me a different mommy and daddy. I love you so much I could cry,”. Here was this precious boy pouring out his heart so willingly and without shame; the picture of honesty. So willing to look outside of himself and give thanks for his blessings. At four, he is so aware of the good life God has given him. In an age where grace seems lost on so many, my baby grasps the idea so perfectly. He does not take his loved ones and the fact that his most basic needs are met, for granted. Instead, he blesses the Lord with all of his soul. His attitude (most of the time…he’s still a 4 year old boy) is one of thanksgiving. I can’t help but envy the way he freely gives God such pure and innocent praise. My son whole-heartedly worships the Lord with such ease. It is a part of who he is. He was made, as we all are, to praise God. But my Connor has a gift. He is in tune with the Holy Spirit; they naturally flow as one. I quickly noticed that Connor’s words are not always his own.

Like the random, lunch time outburst during his little brother’s surgery in which he told my mom aka gram, “Hosanna to our King,”. While Connor was enjoying his lunch with gram I was pleading for God’s peace to cover me from the waiting room at Children’s Hospital as the words, “Hosanna in the highest” played in circles in my head. God heard my cries and He answered me through the simple words of peace and comfort spoken by my son. Connor’s child-like faith and heart for God prove him a willing and obedient instrument for God’s Spirit.

Reflecting on the events of Connor’s life up to now, the words prophesied over him by my pastor, during his baby dedication, ring in my ears. “He has a King David anointing. His life will be hard, but he will do great and mighty things for the kingdom of God,”. King David was a great warrior; a man of worship with a heart for God. Though he suffered through countless stormy seasons in his life, he kept his eyes fixed on God and he persevered. David delighted himself in the law of the Lord, keeping his heart and spirit open to the things of God. In spite of his human weakness, he chose to live his life in faith and worshipful reverence of God. David’s trust was always in God, regardless of his circumstance, and he was never shaken.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” Jeremiah 29:11.

Lord, help me to cultivate a heart of David in Connor.  Give me wisdom and strength as I raise him to always seek You.  Teach me to delight in and meditate on Your word so I can be a good example to my sons.  Make me bold and courageous as I entrust the lives of my sons to You; they are fully Yours, use them.  Let my life be one of great faith as I practice my complete trust in You and Your plan.  I surrender myself to You, Lord, direct my footsteps according to Your word and keep my heart and mind fixed on You.  As I grow in Your ways, I have faith that my sons will also grow in Your ways.  Thank You for my blessings, my heritage from You!  May I bless You with all of my soul and may Your praises always be on my lips.  I look forward to the day in which more of Your plan for both Connor and Blake’s lives will be revealed to me.  Until then, I will continue to live my life for You and lead my family to the cross each day.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.



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